April 26

Educating the Spirit of Liberty Contest

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WIN UP TO $500.00 FOR EACH DIVISION: K-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12
The Freedom Festival Educating the Spirit of Liberty recognizes efforts of teachers to instill expressions of patriotism implanting these ideals in the hearts of their students, K-12th grades throughout the nation. This year's theme is taken from the First Amendment. Entry deadline is May 26. Email for support: teachercontest@freedomfestival.org. Each year the Educating the Spirit of Liberty gives rise to expressions of patriotism from students in K-12th grades throughout the nation. This year's theme focuses on the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights*. Teachers illustrate how they taught the purposes and applications of the First Amendment that may include its history, adoption, and recognition of significant individuals involved. Include any application of teaching a concept or specific freedom included in the First Amendment. Teachers are encouraged to apply the First Amendment protections to current or historical situations and court cases.
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Teacher Contest Procedures
  1. The Educating the Spirit of Liberty Contest is open to ALL Teachers in grades K-12, whether in traditional public schools, public chartered schools, private schools, or home schools. Judging will be broken in divisions K-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12.
  2. All entries must be received no later than April 26.
  3. All submitted entries must include a completed Contest Entry.  No personal or identifying information may appear on the entry itself. Winners will be notified by email when judging is completed.

Judging Criteria

Entries are judged on a teacher’s exposition of the theme in the course of their classwork, depth of insight in teaching, use of curriculum supplied by the Freedom Festival or other supporting materials, and any other innovative ways used to address this year’s theme: First Amendment to the Constitution.  The percentage of your students entries in the art, essay, and speech contests where it would apply will be taken into consideration.

How to Submit

Click here to complete entry form and submit entry.

Additional Materials

Educational Event’s Poster

Educational Events Poster 2024

Submission deadline – April 26

Click to Download the Supplementary Material

Click to Download the Theme Prompt

Click to Download the Theme Ideas

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